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2 Calathea Plants Variety Pack

2 Calathea Plants Variety Pack

Regular price $39.99 USD
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2 - Different Calathea plants in 4" pots

The mesmerizing patterns found on the foliage of Calathea houseplants will likely make you do a double-take. These stunners are absolutely beautiful and can add bold color and texture to any area of your home. Even the undersides of the leaves can add visual interest, as they may provide a rich pop of color visible during the evening.

Calathea are sometimes known as Prayer Plants (much like the very similar, but different Maranta plants). These indoor plants have garnered this name through their unique movements, known as nyctinasty. The leaves move throughout the course of a day. It is thought this movement allows the plant to best capture the sun's rays. The leaves will lift up with the front or face of the leaves all bunched together at night, but lower during the day in order to receive light.


We offer a 30-day guarentee. Fulfillment takes approx 2-4 days and shipping 3-5 days from greenhouse to doorstep. Nov-Mar we recommend adding winter plant shipping protection to your order or it will not be covered by our 30-day guarentee.

Here are some care instructions for calathea houseplants:

-Keep the soil consistently moist, but not waterlogged.
-Provide bright, indirect light.
-Maintain a warm and humid environment (around 65-75°F and 50-60% humidity).
-Fertilize once a month during the growing season.
-Dust the leaves regularly to keep them clean and free of pests.
-Avoid exposing the plant to drafts or direct sunlight.

Follow these tips and your calathea should thrive!

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“A beautiful plant is like having a friend around the house.” — Beth Ditto

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